Version was released today adding the ability to set the ‘User Cannot Change Password’ option. To set this add a column to your CSV file called <strong>userCannotChangePassword</strong> and set the value to TRUE or FALSE.
[responsive]<a href=””><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-170″ src=”” alt=”usercannotchangepassword” width=”418″ height=”175″ /></a>[/responsive]
Below is an example CSV file using userCannotChangePassword, this file would modify/update existing Active Directory users.
[responsive]<a href=””><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-171″ src=”” alt=”usercannotchangepassword_csv_example” width=”412″ height=”127″ /></a>[/responsive]
This version also adds two new command line arguments /removeUsersFromGroups and /addUsersToGroups, both tell the program what to do when you have included a group in the memberOf column.
We’ve also added a line number to any warning messages that are shown when you validate your file. For example the program now shows “Validating user: jsmith (line 210) This user does not have a password set, your password policy may require one”.