You should be redirected to a download location after payment, if our card processor needs to do additional checks we will send you a download link via email. If you don’t hear from us within 1 hour after purchasing pleaseRead More
Error 1301 Occurred while enumerating the groups. The group’s SID could not be resolved.
This error can occur when logging on to AD Self Update, AD Phonebook or AD Self Password Reset when you have installed the program(s) on a Microsoft 2008 R2 Server and you have authenticated against a 2012 Server Domain Controller.Read More
How can I change the width of the main grid in AD Phonebook
The width of the main grid is set to 1024px, you can change the width by editing the file style.css which can be found in the Contents\css\ folder. Look for the elememt .container and you should see the width set to 1024px.Read More
Error: There is no such object on the server.
This error can be displayed if one of the Organizational Units listed under ‘Paths to Query’ has been removed or has been renamed. AD Phonebook Related Knowledge Base Posts – Error 1301 Occurred while enumerating the groups. The group’s SID couldRead More
Can Active Directory Contacts be shown in the AD Phonebook?
You can display Contacts in the phonebook, to do this use the LDAP filter below: (&(objectCategory=person)(|(objectClass=user)(objectClass=contact))(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)) Paste the above line into the text box beneath ‘Active Directory Query’ on the admin page, you’ll need to then click Save and thenRead More
Page doesn’t fully load when using Internet Explorer
If the page is unable to access then the page may not load correctly. To test this add to the Local Intranet zone or the Trusted sites zone under ‘Internet Options’ and the ‘Security’ tab, then refresh your browserRead More